
You need to overcome a small height? The lift should be seen as little as possible? You want to have an adjacent access? Then our MB750 is the right choice for you.
Short technical details:
Lifting height: stepless adjustable up to 75cm
Outer dimension: 95/101 x 133 cm
Loading capacity: 350 kg

Our Lift MB850 is the advancement of the MB750. With ten centimetres more lifting height and a higher speed, the advantages of this lift are clear.
New as well: The automatic ramp, which is also a fall protection offers even more flexibility and accessibility.
Short technical details:
Lifting height: stepless adjustable up to 85cm
Outer dimension: 110/125 x 143 cm
Loading capacity: 300 kg

MB1000 – MB1300
Our golden oldie wheelchair lifts with a lifting height of up to 128 cm: the MB1000 and MB1300. Wheelchair users and companions can drive together thanks to the long platform.
Short technical details:
Lifting height: stepless adjustable up to 100 cm (MB1000) or 128 cm (MB1300)
Outer dimension: 119 x 165 cm (MB1000) or 131 x 200cm (MB1300)
Loading capacity : 300 kg (MB1000) or 260 kg (MB1300)

MB1100 – MB1400 – MB1700
The wheelchair lift for every situation. No matter if with an adjacent or a straight exit, those three types offer both in one lift.
With up to 179 cm lifting height, up to nine stairsteps can be easily overcome.
Short technical details:
Lifting height: stepless adjustable up to 179 cm
Outer dimension: 128 x 163 cm
Loading capacity: 300 kg

MB Quattro
The MB Quattro. With this one, you can overcome height differences of up to 179 cm with minimum on-site preparations. Of course, you can use this lift with an adjacent exit as well!
Short technical details:
Lifting height: stepless adjustable up to 179 cm
Outer dimension: 143 x 170 cm
Loading capacity: 500 kg

Atlas 3000
The “to the top”- lifting system with a silent belt drive – this is our Atlas 3000. The vertical platform lift easily reaches up to 3 m lifting height while being safe and reliable.
Short technical details:
Lifting height: stepless adjustable up to 300 cm
Outer dimension: 124.5 x 179 cm
Loading capacity: 385 kg

The mobile lift for trains – Quickly and easily transport wheelchair users onto the train or streetcar with the TAL mobile lift..
Kurzübersicht technische Details:
Lifting height: s110 cm above platform level, manual or electric
Outer dimension: 154 x 125 cm
Loading capacity: 350 kg